
All information and materials provided to prospective investors are made available on a confidential basis to a limited number of sophisticated investors for the purpose of providing certain information about an investment in one or more companies managed by Adot Curve Ventures Limited (ACVL). Investment in an ACVL Alternative investment Fund is approved in accordance with the Bangladesh Securities Exchange Commission (Alternative Investment) Rules 2015. An investment in ACVL Alternative investment Fund is approved only for eligible investors and requires the financial ability and willingness to accept the high risks, including the potential loss of the full investment in such Fund. The Investment Materials should be treated in a confidential manner and may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part for any purpose other than the recipient’s consideration of an investment in the related Fund, nor may the Investment Materials be disclosed to third parties, other than the recipient’s employees, agents, legal and accounting advisors, and other representatives who need to know such information in connection with the recipient’s evaluation of a possible investment in such Fund. Provided that each such person should be advised of the confidential nature of the Investment Materials and to be instructed to treat those as confidential. Statements contained in the Investment Materials (including those relating to current and future market conditions and trends in respect thereof) that are not historical facts are based on current expectations, estimates, projections, opinions and/or beliefs of the related Fund. Such statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, and undue reliance should not be placed thereon. Each Fund and its representatives make no assurance or representation that any strategy or objective of such Fund will in fact be realized. Prospective investors should first consult with a qualified financial adviser, legal adviser, and tax professional before making an investment in any Fund. The material on this website does not constitute an offer to sell, or the solicitation of an offer to buy, any securities or any interests in any Fund. The information on this website has not been provided in a fiduciary capacity, and it is not intended to be, and should not be considered as, impartial investment advice. Nothing on this website is intended to constitute legal, tax, securities or investment advice, or an opinion regarding the appropriateness of an investment in any Fund. At Adot Curve Ventures Limited, we inspire young entrepreneurs to take challenges and promised to backing them until their business become successfully stable. Adot itself is a home-grown startup, so we believe, and looking forward to develop a reputation for being fearless, innovative and a valued partner to progress on the entrepreneurial run. Adot Curve Ventures Limited is governed by leading enlightened professionals as well as entrepreneurs in the board of directors who have brought cumulative experiences in the industry.