We understand your needs on Finance


We give support to the startups and emerging ventures to generate sustainability. We help entrepreneurs to become aware, create strategic contacts, bring their inventions to market and build successful business through experiance and expertise. From inception to growth, we invest in potential ventures, who have unique techniques. We believe, honesty, courage, analysis, infrastructure, technology combinedly drive institution to esteemed success. So, we help the startups with support, what they need……

Our Values

We have dedicated resources to enhance performance, improve creativity, business innovation, strong engagement with youth entrepreneurs, functional business incubator, Innovation Hub, startup market, makerspace, client focus, teamwork, strong academic footprint and a strong commitment to compliance with the rules of the land and service-oriented attitude towards every investment and partners.

Our Services

We focus on emerging markets of Bangladesh, one of the fastest growing startup hubs. Our main concentration is to support the development of different early-stage companies of the country. We provide investment opportunities to the emerging high growth potentials. Each portfolio company who makes impact in the society to improves the lives of the mass people, we provide the necessary capital to them through Alternative Investment Funds.

Some institutions may find challenges to manage their own funds, as they have to focus on their core business. In addition, the inadequacy of professional resource for managing fund and market research may hamper the success of the fund. We offer asset management services to generate superior returns on the assets. We provide services to our clients to popularize professional asset management services through various investment tools.

Investment and Portfolio Management services is one of our core services. Our thematic investment styles are designed based on the Bangladesh capital market. We place value first, but also always demand growth potential. We always carefully evaluate the fundamentals and be sure that the economy will act for our client’s interest.

Venture capital is a form of alternative investment. It is usually a process of provides fund to early stage, emerging, often high risk, entities with high growth potential in the aim to make return for its unitholders.